Inhabited by a maximum of 65,000 residents, Bermuda is made up of many diverse radio users with very different needs. The Bermuda Ministry of National Security, ( MoNS) consists of Government, Public Safety, First Response (Fire Rescue), The Bermudian Regiment (Military), Customs, Airport Authority, Department of Corrections, Maritime Operations, “IT” Security Forces, and various other non-public safety departments.
Bermuda’s economy is based on worldwide banking, insurance, and reinsurance, as well as tourism. Bermuda is the insurance headquarters for many local and offshore insurance companies making it an intensely sensitive business community. Because of its size and location, Bermuda presents a national security concern for its MoNS and ongoing commerce.
Due to its location, Bermuda’s Maritime Operations Center serves as first response for much of the Northern Atlantic when called upon by vessels in distress. The employment of multiple technologies and constant monitoring of shipping traffic allows the waters of Bermuda to remain safe for passage, especially for its cruise and supply industry.